Thursday, February 16, 2006

Purple Momentz


god.... why the hell do people settle for mediocre work? is it that they do not knwo better or is it that they just do not care enough for what they do? the former has a solution ..... but what about the latter.....

is it so diffcilut to be enthused about stuff that actually occupies almost seventy five percent of your day.... how does it feel to not think. HOW DOES IT FEEL NOT TO THINK ?... I am sure it feels geat to most ... you can see why almost all world civilisations succesfully created events / products etc just to curb people from thinking.

intellectual responsibilty and dissidence is what we need says amartya sen.... do people even understand what he means? or does his voice just echo aganist blind eyes and deaf ears!

man save yourself ..... please


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