The Price One Pays For Another’s Assumptions And His Own Honesty!
Albeit the greatest gift on this world is to love and to be loved in return; can you force someone to feel love just because you are in love with him, or want to presume that you are in love with him? Why would you continue to pursue him and put pressure on him, by professing your love repeatedly? Do you think by saying something a hundred times it becomes real?
Does love do this? Does it respect that the other individual has a mind, heart and soul that beats on its own? Does it allow for him to live his own life while continuing loving him in a silent and non confronting manner? Does it?
Do you blame the one who did not requite your love? Do you burn at every move he makes that might be a celebration of his being alive? Do you cry a tale of misery with every “loving couple” that loves a tale of pity and rejoices in the happiness that their “love” has found a sharing?
Why, why… I ask, does the one who does not love you, have to pay the price. The price of being called heartless, cold, ruthless??
Could this be the reason he never loved you back in the first place?
I am reminded of WB Yeats;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim in you,
And loved the sorrows in your changing face…
And for that man I shall wait, while I continue to pay the price for another’s assumptions and my own honesty.